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Bang Wei Raw Pu-Erh

Bang Wei Raw Pu-Erh


Regular price $16.00
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Origin: Yunnan, China
Brew Color: Dark amber
Flavor Profile: Grassy vegetal flavors with notes of honeysuckle and bitterness with a delicate astringency and distinct woody scent
Caffeine Content: 

Bang Wei Raw Pu-Erh is grown on Bang Wei, a famous mountain in the Yunnan producing region. The larger rolled leaves feature notes of honeysuckle and a delicate astringency. It brews a grassy vegetal flavor, with a pleasant crisp bitter and distinct woody scent. This tea is from 2017 and is raw or non-fermented.

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TEA 101

Brewing Directions

Use 1 tsp of tea per 8 oz. of water.
First rinse the tea, then steep for 2 minutes.
Ideal water temperature: 200-212°F.
Note: The hotter the water, the stronger the resulting brew will be.