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Big Red Robe (Da Hong Pao) Oolong

Big Red Robe (Da Hong Pao) Oolong


Regular price $22.00
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Origin: Fujian, China
Brew Color: Amber orange
Flavor Profile: Stone fruit with woody, delicate floral and smoky finish
Caffeine Content: 

Grown in the Wuyi mountains of Fujian, renowned Da Hong Pao, literally translates to Big Red Robe. Legend has it these teas were so highly revered that imperial red robes were used to cloak the tea bushes, hence lending its name. The long, dark twisted leaves are heavily oxidized, and brews floral, citrus and delicate sweet notes. It leaves a distinct mineral aroma from the region from where it's grown that develops after multiple steepings.
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    TEA 101

    Brewing Directions

    Steep 1 tsp of tea per 8 oz. of water for 3-5 minutes.
    Ideal water temperature: 190-212°F