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Fucha Rose Black

Fucha Rose Black


Regular price $22.00
Regular price Sale price $22.00
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Origin: Hunan, China
Brew Color: Dark amber
Flavor Profile:  Uniquely full-bodied with notes of wood, dates, and roses
Caffeine Content:

    Fucha, a famous dark brick tea, also known as Golden flower, goes through a second fermentation as lightly compressed bricks, hence the golden spores on the black tea leaves. Traditionally enjoyed in China for its rich, unique full-bodied flavors, of wood and dates, along with a myriad of health benefits such as aiding digestion, metabolism, sugar and blood pressure levels. This black tea is blended with Shandong Roses, also known for detox, clearing the skin, and a boost of immunity for a delightfully strong rosy brew.

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    TEA 101

    Brewing Directions

    Steep 1 tsp of tea per 8 oz. of water for 3-5 minutes.
    Ideal water temperature: 190-212°F